Diatomaceous Earth
Of the last of the lasties.. What else could I possibly try? Diatomaceous earth was the last thing I had left to finally try to help with my itchiness.
This picture is what my chest and neck looks like!
On a good day, it doesn't look this red and raw! I try really hard not to let this overcome my worries but come on! I'm 30 years old and my skin looks like an old ladies! I have gone out and purchased Colloidal silver generators- I'm too afraid that it will turn my skin bluish grey so I stopped taking it for a day and BAM! My skin turns for the worse! I get shaky and anaphylaxis
I got some NAET she treated me for Salt. I got a little worse, The next time she treated me for MOLD. I got a little worse.
Last time I went to see Jordan Ondamed Jedi (who I worked with at Longevity Center Med Spa.)
I've been using the supplements the zyto is reading out for me. except for the thyroid stuff because I'm afraid to mess with that.
this is a day before it suddenly got itchy again. |
Have I had improvements? Yes. Of course I'm feeling as though I'm not declining into further states. For this rash to spread from originally on my hands and feet. Now to my legs, behind my knees, up my entire arm and now to my chest. I don't want it to spread to my abdomen or my back. Which- yes, it's spreading now to my shoulder blades.
I found myself scratching my arms like crazy in the middle of the night! It woke me up. Well, here is a new ugly and painful sore that I'm going to try to hide from people. I can't seem to keep it covered when it's on my chest and shoulders and my forearms..
I will try to wash the area that is itching in cold water. Because the cold water won't strip the skin of it's natural oils.
It's better to AVOID hot water when washing. This will rob your skin's natural moisture and can make a eczema flare spread! Like Poison Ivy. We need the strong bond of our Skin's Natural Lipid barrier.
Recently it became so bad I was at the end of the rope! I had to create a body mask of Diatomaceous Earth and ACV. I will share with you how I made it.
1 cup Diatomaceous Earth
1/2 cup Braggs Apple Cider Vinegar.
I put it in a reusable jar.
I call it the Stingy Sensation Body Treatment.
I get in the tub and use a little paint brush and paint it all over my hives.
When you paint it on it's a stingy sensation. I was screaming out loud a little bit. If you have a lot of itch spots you just want to collapse when you are done.
This body treatment is time consuming. You need to do it on a weekend. Because it's so messy. I leave it on my skin for 24 hours. I put on my sweat pants and a long sleeve shirt and rest. Then I began to think "What's the difference?" I was wearing long sleeve and long pants all week to begin with to hid my eczema.
I feel like the Body mask is skin softening due to the silica. It creates a protective barrier so allergens aren't penetrating the delicate eczema skin. It's somewhat drying and softening. I find I don't itch when it's on the skin because I'm not getting hives or swelling. It seems to stop the itch cycle. It can strengthen your skin cellular structure as well.
I'm not brave enough to post pictures of how I painted it on my skin. Because I just want to cry it's so hideous and painful with the acv.
In the summer I do this and I am like an Aborigine person doing a ceremonial before going to war. Here I am, I've got white streaks painted on my arms. It's beautiful, I'm rocking my chalk. Whatever. I don't care.
Or maybe I'm just like a Shaman and I have a deeper connection with the Earth and it's vibrations. I can fight the cold and flu symptoms by eating Diatomaceous Earth and Apple Cider Vinegar works so well on the skin. I want to get all gnarly and grungy. Play in the wild open world. Cover myself in oils, dust and dive deep into the core of myself. I'm a wild type of person. If you can run with me.
I was Allergy tested for dust mites and they act the strangest way with my skin. It isn't an immediate response, it's a delay. I have to keep my blankets and sheets washed in super hot water to clean and if I don't my eczema gets worse and does not heal. No matter what I put on my skin. DE, Creams, Apple Cider Vinegar, bleach baths. NOTHING WORKS! I just need to wash my sheets, comforters and mattress covers with scalding hot water to kill the little buggers and their sick droppings. Their POO makes me have ECZEMA.
Even my clothes can begin to carry dust mites and their droppings.....
........um, ew.
I used to enjoy going to antique shops but it's not worth it for me to have an allergic reaction.