Bone Broth for Eczema
I took a stab at healing Leaky Gut Syndrom with Grass-Fed Gelatin.. and this is what happened.
I wish I could visualize what is really happening with Leaking gut juices but I will have to do my best trying "not" too. Basically, the cellular wall lining your digestive system that has pockets and holes where the food that is traveling outside your digestive tract and then it just slips out. The bloodstream can't keep up. I experience toxic like feelings.
Through the fall and winter season, I began to dabble with making my own homemade chicken broth. My husband keeps asking me what I'm going to do with that container of bones in the freeze.
I wish I could visualize what is really happening with Leaking gut juices but I will have to do my best trying "not" too. Basically, the cellular wall lining your digestive system that has pockets and holes where the food that is traveling outside your digestive tract and then it just slips out. The bloodstream can't keep up. I experience toxic like feelings.
"I'm going to make more broth, silly." I drink this "animal tea blend"
The taste on your palate is comparable to an animal tea blend. I might call it an earthy tea but it goes beyond that. It's a whole new animal. 😘
When I drink it for consecutive days I feel my digestive system and stomach strengthening and toning the way it should feel! Being a busy person who works and has to take care of my house I forget about the golden goodness. So it's time to turn up the heat! I make a stock soup by mixing it with other healthy vegetables.
Bone Broth is a wonderful ingredient to have on hand if you are short on time and you need something quick to sip!
Bone Broth is a wonderful ingredient to have on hand if you are short on time and you need something quick to sip!
Modern medicine won't acknowledge leaky gut being a true condition but anyone with serious problems with allergies will truly benefit from drinking bone broth and soups with the stock!
When I have allergies I don't immediately relate it to my gut health,
I thought it was strictly a skin thing and sometimes it might be.
I try to see the bigger picture..
How is their digestion?
How are their hormones?
What brought on this change in your skin?
Have you changed your environment, work condition?
How is their digestion?
How are their hormones?
What brought on this change in your skin?
Have you changed your environment, work condition?
Enter Grass Fed Gelatin
I use Zint Brand, I bought it from Amazon.
I've been using it daily. I pour about a 1/2 teaspoon in my coffee. Stir it really well. I can't even taste any difference. So my daily amount it sometimes a full tablespoon but I don't use it all in one serving. I space it out throughout the morning.
I use Zint Brand, I bought it from Amazon.
I've been using it daily. I pour about a 1/2 teaspoon in my coffee. Stir it really well. I can't even taste any difference. So my daily amount it sometimes a full tablespoon but I don't use it all in one serving. I space it out throughout the morning.
I began to make healthy and irresistible gelatin treats. These taste amazing.
I'm using fresh natural juices from the fruit in my kitchen.
Let's get to the benefits. It has reduced my scaly dry skin that coats my legs and torso and back.
Let's get to the benefits. It has reduced my scaly dry skin that coats my legs and torso and back.
I would like to say how much it has helped my rough dry skin.
I have struggled with inflamed skin from Dust Mites, allergies to dogs and cats and some ragweed pollen. I think by strengthening the walls of my stomach the allergies don't have a stronghold on my system.
I have struggled with inflamed skin from Dust Mites, allergies to dogs and cats and some ragweed pollen. I think by strengthening the walls of my stomach the allergies don't have a stronghold on my system.
I feel like I can live again. This is my Magic Bullet!