zyto scan and then some

                 A lot of changes have taken place in the last few weeks.  I want to say I'm getting stronger but the itch still remains.  Now, as if things couldn't get any worse my poor dog is itching like crazy and he has sores all over his skin.  Like eczema or hot spots.   We changed his food when I was afraid he was eating too much food from China.  Well now I think he has a very bad allergy to whole grain and whole wheat.    I have now switched him back to his old food brand.  I'm praying for him to get better!

             I went to see Jordan for the second time.  He has a zyto which tells you biofeedback of what is going on health wise.  My hormones and thyroid are out of whack.  I'm low in vitamin B vitamins.  Not to mention other things.  I went to see Sally and it seemed like she was just trying to sell me on a bunch of these worthless hormone patches.  Jordan also has a plasma light that is set to clear mites, fungus and bacterial from the body.   I mean that is just the start.  So, like I said, I'm feeling stronger.  I'm using tons of supplements.  I'm close to getting a sense of energy back.

  • This is my onslaught of vitamins that I take.   
  • DHEA 5mg
  • Probiotic twice a day 
  • Trancor from Metagenics 2x a day  this is a gaba, magnesium, green tea
  • Neem
  • Bcomplex liquid
  • zinc tab
  • Black Cohosh 2x a day  (this is new - they zyto number one herb needed was this..)
  • ..magnesium 
  • vitamin d (not all the time.. sometimes)
So also 2x a day I'm drinking my orange juice with GFS Extract 15 drops, also GOJI berry powder and flax seed ground with flax seed oil.    

The B complex seems to upset my stomach..  I feel nausea
Jordan's is in a quartz light with a lead glass protection - the good  kind

I got my violet ray also, it's cool. There are quite a few precautions  like avoid water on the area, avoid eating dark colored foods.  I don't understand.   So, it has helped the clear fluid filled blisters on my palms and I'm not using it every day.  I stick to using it only for 7 minutes or so; only holding in my hand.  
It's pretty sweet, you feel good when you feel the ozone going through your body.   I like it so far and so good!  

I used it on my dog too.  This was before he started to get these awful itchy sores.  The diet change for him is a start, but it's a slow recovery.  He whines, I know it's because he's uncomfortable.   
poor baby. 


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