Hemp Hemp Hooray! For Eczema!!!!!
Maybe it was the Hot Yoga but my skin is feeling good!! After removing the offending vitamin D laced with lanolin my skin isn't so angered and puffy.
Does your Vitamin D contain the animal byproduct..cholecalciferol? Hey, Fine if you don't have a lanolin allergy? How did I find this fact? I dug for it and found it in a comment box!
Thorne Research described it in their pdf on Vitamin D3 I was taking D-10,000 -
Lanolin makes my skin break out in eczema. I'm allergic to everything people.
I need to eat healthy and only consume natural supplements!
With that in mind; I am praising the hemp gods right now!
Lets discuss for the eczema people Hemp! It's high in Fiber! Eczema can be linked to digestive problems. So cleansing and getting a higher amount of fiber is good. When the tummy is happy, everybody is happy.
Sometimes along the description of eczema is muscle tension. Right? Caused by irregular emotions and trauma's created by hideous and monstrous unsightly skin! Lets take some deep breathes shall we and take our EFA's- hemp seeds for that matter.
Here are the conditions which may be helped by EFAs: addiction, arthritis, attention deficit disorder, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, constipation, diabetes, diarrhea, earache, edema, fatigue, immune deficiency, menopuase, MS, obesity, osteroporosis, premenstrual syndrome, tuberculosis, athersclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and skin conditions such as eczema, neurodermititis, and psoriasis.
Does your Vitamin D contain the animal byproduct..cholecalciferol? Hey, Fine if you don't have a lanolin allergy? How did I find this fact? I dug for it and found it in a comment box!
Thorne Research described it in their pdf on Vitamin D3 I was taking D-10,000 -
Lanolin makes my skin break out in eczema. I'm allergic to everything people.
I need to eat healthy and only consume natural supplements!
With that in mind; I am praising the hemp gods right now!
- Hemp Milk
- Hulled Hemp Seeds
- Hemp and sunflower peanut butter from Traverse City, MI (these guys know what they are doing it's delicious!)
-A great source of healthy minerals such as calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, copper and manganese
-An antioxidant (helps protect you from free radicals that can damage your cells. Even you Skin Cells a.k.a helps prevent premature signs of aging)
And this is my favorite-There are no known food allergies to hemp seeds - When I discovered this fact I had to get my hands on some hemp. I've stayed away from Hemp because I've felt as though I tried everything under the sun. How many random nuts and seeds do I need in my home? Hemp is so controversial and I'm sick of it. Strike out the BS.
Since my half a week of consuming these goodies, the milk, the seeds daily mixed into my fruit salad. I'm really enjoying my skin! I had many dry spots on my shins, feet and biceps and back. Coconut moisturizer would last for only an hour or so. The dryness would just come back ugly like. Does anybody else with eczema have a whole body of flaky skin? A constant dusting of white flakes everywhere you go?
So I'm happily consuming hemp everyday- about 2 tablespoons and I'm feeling so good! It has better amounts of EFA's
look here "EFAs help organ muscles to contract, regulate stomach acid, help lower blood pressure, help maintain body temperature, regulate hormone levels, and break up cholesterol, while aiding in fat transportation and metabolism. The EFAs in hemp also help improve brain function."
"EFAs support the immune system and guard against viral infection. Thus, they help cancer, HIV, and other patients whose immune systems are weakened. By reinforcing the immune system, hemp foods help aid in making a person healthy. Health experts have concluded that a diet rich in EFAs is one way to ensure that a person becomes and remains healthy.
EFAs also aid in cardiovascular health, which most Americans could improve upon, help stop sudden cardiac death, help improve mood in bippolar cases, and EFAs also help the reproductive system and should be consumed regularly by all pregnant women, because EFAs are vital to infant development."