3 day Cleanse of GFSE

Part of me wants to describe a huge story and the other part of me is sort of dreading the whole thing.

I did a cleanse due to the recent frost to the ragweed pollen in my area I have felt it was time.
And this is how we do it ....

Morning and Night
5 drops of Grapefruit Seed Extract 
in a tall glass of water 
Add a shot of lemon juice or orange juice.  
Add some ice cubes.  

What you have here a delightful, little non-alcoholic cocktail.  
The little things in life excite me no more than a cleanse.  
I did this drink for 3 days.    On Sunday I consumed this drink 3x a day.  I was pleased with the detoxing symptoms.  

It is great to do a cleanse on the weekends.  Eat mindfully, drink lots of water and maybe do a colonic or an enema.

Because I do not have access to a colonic I also included into my detox weekend French green clay on an empty stomach.  I have never done this before but I'm not dead so it's safe.    I just sprinkled a little bit in some water and let it settle on the bottom in the evening.  By morning the water was slightly tinted, but still opaque.  I drank the full glass and waited a few hours before eating or drinking anything.    Disclaimer, I'm still not dead.   I did this two days in a row in combination with GFSE 

And how do I feel?  squeaky and clean. Fresh and beautiful.  Alive on the inside!  Tempted but never touching the soft cake my mouth without knowing the toxic side effect lingering in the future.  Donuts the evil little things.  I'm choosing to snack on dried apricots, an apple or just drink my GFSE drink at night.  I'm winding down.

Are you considering to try a GFSE but are afraid?  It is strong, don't do the full dosage unless your a big guy.  Still I would only use 7 drops to start.  tweak it from there.

People have reported that they feel nausea and vomiting can happen.  In this case stop using GFSE


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